Crystals are little nuggets of earthy goodness that bring so much joy, peace, and happiness! Carrying them in your pocket or close to your body is a fantastic way to reap the benefits of these beautiful stones.

In this article, we’re covering everything you need to know about:
- The benefits of carrying pocket-sized crystals
- How to use your pocket crystals
- How to know which crystals to use
- How to cleanse your pocket stones
Plus, we’re sharing allllll the details on our 12 favorite pocket-sized crystals (including our favorite essential oil pairings)! These are the crystals you should have (in our humble opinion!), and they also come ready-to-use in this set.
Ready to learn more? Let’s jump in!
The Benefits of Carrying Pocket-Sized Crystals
Crystals have an extremely stable energy thanks to their atomic makeup. This makes them natural choices for technological components (yup, even engineers and scientists use crystals in tech products!), but lots of people also believe crystals can impact your own personal energy, helping you release negativity and welcome good intentions.
There are also a lot of people who use crystals just because they’re beautiful. As we say here at Whimsy + Wellness, if you’re smiling, you’re winning!

Here are a few benefits to using crystals:
1. Help with Anxiety or Stress
We have a whole blog post on using crystals for anxiety and stress, but the TL;DR version is that they can help you a ton.
When we deal with anxiety, it’s often because we’re scared of something we think might happen in the future; crystals remind us to live fully where we’re at.
I love to hold a crystal, feel its texture and weight, and think about the forces that made it and got it into my hands. As I do this, I often feel my anxiety ebb away, and I become more centered in the present moment.
2. To Amplify Intentions or Affirmations
Crystals are powerful reminders. I encourage people to leave them in places they’ll see them: your bathroom counter or your nightstand or your desk.
Pausing for a moment to breathe deeply, hold your crystal, and speak an affirmation or intention over yourself or your day is a really powerful practice.
3. Help With Meditation
Crystals are great to use during meditation. You can use them to help open chakras or simply as a mental reminder to come back into focus. People often report feeling more centered and grounded when they use crystals during meditation; sometimes, you might even experience your crystal resonating!
4. For Emotional Support
Crystals are powerful emotion-regulators. When you’re stuck in an emotion like unforgiveness or self-condemnation, crystals can help you visualize releasing your negativity so that you can be at peace again. Crystals can also help block negative energy so that you’re free to be yourself.
How to Use Your Pocket Crystals

You can, of course, slip a pocket crystal into your pocket (or bra!), but there are other ways to use them, too. Here are a few different ways to use pocket crystals:
- Keep one in your purse or bag
- Use for interior decor
- Use with essential oils
- Hold one during meditation
- Place one on your mat while doing yoga
- Place a crystal over a chakra (like your third eye or your heart)
- Put one in the bath or shower with you
- Slip one under your pillow at night
- Hold one or place one nearby while you’re journaling
- Picture a crystal in your mind as inspiration or a symbol
- Place one next to your diffuser
How Do I Know Which Crystal to Use?
Your body actually knows which crystals you need; just reach for the crystal you feel drawn to or attracted to. Sometimes, when you hold a crystal you really need, you might get goosebumps or feel a sort of vibration coming from the crystal.
Don’t feel any of this? No worries! You can simply read the descriptions of the crystals we’ve included below, and pick the one you think will be the most helpful for you right now.
How to Cleanse Your Pocket Stones

If you purchase crystals from us, you can feel good knowing they’ve been carefully chosen for you and have already been cleansed by a Reiki healer. After a while, however, your crystals will need to be cleansed of any negative energy they’ve absorbed. Don’t worry, it’s really simple and easy!
There are many ways to charge and cleanse your pocket crystals; here are three of the simplest:
- Set them out all day in the direct sun, or leave them out all night during a full moon
- Place them on or near selenite, a master cleansing crystal (we’ve included one in this set!)
- Bury them in the ground for a night (bonus points if it’s during a full moon!)

Our 12 Favorite Crystals to Carry With You All Day

1. Clear Quartz
Clear quartz is the ultimate healing stone, whether you’re a beginner or you want a crystal that will amplify your hopes and purposes. This is a wonderful stone to pair with affirmations, or to use alongside of another crystal to amplify it.
Look to quartz when you’re focusing on healing in your own life or in your relationships, whether friendly or romantic. It can help you let go of negative energy so you can make room for what’s truly worth fighting for.
Clear quartz pairs beautifully with any essential oil.
Affirmation: I choose healing so I can bring my full, vibrant self to my relationships.

2. Selenite
The selenite cube in this set isn’t great for slipping into your pocket (#corners) but its cube form is perfect for holding in your palm. The cube, the strongest shape in the natural world, reminds of us of our own innate strength, and of our shared strength when we connect honestly to each other.
Selenite is a cleansing crystal that can help cleanse your other crystals when they need recharging (just place them lightly on top of it overnight or for a few hours); it can also help you recharge.
If you’re finding your relationships with others or yourself are wearing thin, look to selenite to calm troubled or upset thoughts, soothe anger, and revitalize your connections.
Selenite pairs well with lavender, frankincense, clary sage, palo santo, and eucalyptus.
Affirmation: I am in harmony with myself and others.

3. Chrysocolla
The really neat thing about chrysocolla is how it encourages compassion, peace, and forgiveness–all things you need in any true relationship with other people or yourself!
Chrysocolla is a stone that filters out judgement and self-condemnation so that you can rise above negative, unhelpful criticism and focus on constructive ways to find healing and walk in your purpose.
Chrysocolla pairs well with basil, lavender, tangerine, ylang ylang, helichrysum, and sandalwood.
Affirmation: My heart has no space for negativity today.

4. Carnelian
This beautiful little stone is very ancient, and its color gives us a clue about its purpose: restoring motivation, invigorating, and stimulating creativity! If your heart feels sluggish or your friendships or relationships feel like they’re stuck in a rut, look for this fiery crystal.
Carnelian can inspire courage, confidence, and passion–just what we need sometimes to push through fears or uncertainties! It can also help remind you that while productivity is great, what’s really great is keeping your focus on the things that matter the most in life: yourself and the people you love.
Carnelian pairs well with wintergreen, peppermint, tangerine, and clary sage.
Affirmation: Today I am alive with passion and purpose.

5. Citrine
As lovers of all things fun and creative, we are unapologetically in love with citrine! Citrine is a stone of abundance, creativity, power, and success. It’s an energizing stone, so look to it when you want to bring passion and energy into your relationships or your life in general.
Citrine can help you attract more of what you’re looking for in life, but it can also help you live joyfully in the present and live with an abundance mindset. You already have everything you need, and you always will!
Citrine pairs perfectly with sandalwood, frankincense, orange, clove, ginger, and patchouli.
Affirmation: Creativity flows from me today.

6. Pink Opal
Pink opal is beautiful. It’s a “feminine” stone, in part because it helps reveal the flexible, enduring, cyclical, vibrant strength often found in women. Pink opal encourages renewal, which means it’s a beautiful stone to use when you’re looking for any kind of healing.
Pink opal can help you find relaxation, restoration, and emotional balance. Let it remind you that you’re strong enough to make it through anything you’re facing today.
Pink opal pairs beautifully with frankincense, sandalwood, juniper, lavender, and orange.
Affirmation: I am flexible and enduring, and constantly renewing.

7. Amazonite
Amazonite’s blues and greens will remind you of a beautiful ocean vacation, and that’s as it should be because amazonite is a calming, fear-banishing crystal! Let it take you to a tranquil, peaceful place whenever you hold it.
Amazonite is also great for communication, which makes it a natural stone to reach for when your intention is to work on your relationships. It may even help the people in your household choose positivity over negativity!
Amazonite pairs well with bergamot, geranium, orange, juniper, spruce, and clove.
Affirmation: We belong to each other.

8. Amethyst
Amethyst was the starter crystal for so many of us; it’s commonly available, beautiful, and a great overall balancing stone. Amethyst can help confidence rise up inside of you–you can also use it to ward off negativity and protect yourself from toxic people.
Look to amethyst when your emotions feel out of whack or your confidence needs a recharge. Hold it while you repeat the following affirmation!
Amethyst pairs perfectly with clove, cypress, frankincense, and sandalwood.
Affirmation: I am worthy of love.

9. Rose Quartz
Rose quartz is THE love and relationship stone, forever and amen. It can remind you of your worthiness and help self-worth and self-confidence grow inside of you, but it can also help you release unforgiveness towards yourselves or others that’s only causing you pain.
Rose quartz reminds us all that we’re worthy of love and worthy of healing. It can help you attract the kind of relationships that affirm this. It can also help you become the kind of person who attracts true love.
Rose quartz pairs well with ylang ylang, lavender, jasmine, rose, and bergamot.
Affirmation: I am worthy of the best kind of love.

10. Ruby in Fuchsite
Ruby in fuchsite is a remarkable stone; just like ruby and fuchsite exist simultaneously in one crystal, so this stone reminds us that our hearts and lives exist together. Keep this stone nearby to remind you to embrace healing energies in your relationships (and especially in your relationship to yourself).
Ruby in fuchsite can also help increase concentration and motivation. It’s an excellent crystal to turn to when you specifically want to work on a romantic relationship. Hold it while you speak your intention!
Ruby in fuchsite pairs well with cinnamon, ylang ylang, rose, ginger, and peppermint.
Affirmation: My heart is just as important as the rest of me.

11. Moonstone
Moonstone is a whimsical stone that brings all the colors of the rainbow together in one pocket-sized little stone. As its name suggests, moonstone is deeply calming. It’s peaceful, just like the moon, but also like the moon it can inspire dreaming, romance, passion, and creativity.
Look to moonstone to help you see the beauty and romance in your daily life; look to it, also, to spark a little romance or playfulness in your right now life!
Moonstone pairs well with rose, cypress, lavender, vetiver, and bergamot.
Affirmation: Today I choose to find the whimsy in life.

12. Sunstone
Sunstone reminds us of the fiery strength of the sun, and just like the sun warms up our whole world, so this crystal can warm up your heart and mind. It brings the joy in a major way!
Sunstone is a leadership stone, so look to it for courage when you’re ready to step forward and take action. It’s also perfect for affirming joy and helping you nurture your sense of self. Meditate with it to help bravery and that powerful sense of inner intuition rise up within you.
Sunstone pairs well with orange, frankincense, neroli, clove, and myrrh.
Affirmation: I am strong and full of life.