Hello!!! I’m Kacey 👋🏻 I’m a wife, mama, teacher, and photographer. I have four kiddos and I share all things skincare, oils, food, brands, motherhood, home, you name it, over on @_bloomandgrow.

Ten years ago I stopped using birth control and began to seriously look at every ingredient that I put on my skin or in my body. What started with skincare spread to other areas of life.
When I had kids, I developed a passion for reading and researching all the ways in which I could impact our family’s long term health. That led me to detoxify our home which then led to my discovery of essential oils about six years ago. Along the way there have been practices and products that I’ve come to love. Things I’ve tried that I never had thought of before. I do not do everything perfectly. I try to take it one step, one day at a time.

When we create a routine that allows time and space for our oils, they truly support us. Wellness, emotions, sleep, you name it. Our family aromatherapy rituals include the diffuser in the kitchen all day, a diffuser in each room at night as we get ready for bed, and specific oils that we use for massaging several nights a week. We roll on oils to support our immune system and we roll on oils to support our sleep. We have them in the laundry room and the living room and the car. They are literally EVERYWHERE.

It’s really important to me that my kids learn how to cope with emotions in a healthy, natural way. Not with screens or with food or any number of unhealthy coping mechanisms we learn at early ages. As the mama, I can really set the stage for the start and end of each day. With small children, both of these times are rife with emotions and anxieties for all of us! Having a soothing, comforting bedtime almost always sets us up for a smooth morning! Essential oils are part of these routines.
It’s become very apparent to me over the years that creating the rituals around the use of aromatherapy with pure, undiluted essentials oils promotes their efficacy. When your body is in routine with essential oils they really begin to respond to the emotional support they offer.
Because everyone’s body chemistry is different, different essential oils appeal to each individual and can change depending on current emotional needs! Everyone in our family has different favorites! Here are some of our most used roller blends.

”Dreamsicle” Nighttime Roller for Sleep Support
- 15 Drops Lavender
- 15 Drops Cedarwood
- 10 Drops Orange
- 10 Drops White Angelica
- (fill to top with carrier oil)
This is a favorite for my two oldest daughters (ages 6 & 8). They do this all by themselves. Apply on bottoms and tips of big toes at the beginning of the nighttime routine.

“Little Buddy” Massage Blend
- 15 Drops Peace + Calming
- 10 Drops Ylang Ylang
- 10 Drops Lavender
- (fill to top with carrier oil)
My three year old son loves this blend because it’s dark green and because peace and calming is his favorite oil blend. We use it when I give him his neck and shoulder massages several times a week. He has lingering tightness from a bad case of torticollis as an infant! Our chiropractic recommends massaging and it really helps him. This is so relaxing to massage before bedtime.

“Wellness” Roller Blend for Immune Support
- 20 Drops Thieves
- 10 Drops Copaiba
- 10 Drops Frankincense
- (Fill to top with carrier oil)
This is a blend for the whole family! We use it at night because the morning routine before school is so hurried! Apply on spine and bottoms of feet.

“Mellow Mama” Roller for Emotional Support
- 20 Drops Lavender
- 20 Drops Valor
- 20 Drops Stress Away
- 5 Drops Patchouli
- 5 Drops Vetiver
- (Fill to top with carrier oil)
I found this recipe in one of my favorite oils support groups. It is basically a grab for anytime during the day. I love the extra emotional support around dinner time and again at bedtime. So relaxing! Roll over heart, on wrists, or behind ears!

Thanks so much for letting me share a peek into our day. If you’d like to hang out with me on IG I love to share, inspire, and connect through all things natural, whole, and healthy: skincare, oils, food, brands, motherhood, home, you name it. Come say “hi!” @_bloomandgrow