Search Results for: chakra – Page 2

Aquarius Crystals for Healing and Justice (our top seven, carefully-chosen gemstones just for you)

Aquarius | The Water Bearer (January 20-February 18)  Aquarius brings an intelligent, original presence to the world, just the kind of energy we need in the first two months of the year! They’re a really unique combination of forces that make them a powerhouse; they’re both dreamers and doers.  As their place at the beginning of the calendar year might

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Crystals and Oils for Aches and Pains

Crystals & Oils for Physical Aches & Pains (FAQs)

I don’t know how else to say it: pain is the worst. At best, it’s a minor annoyance that can keep you from working out again or doing something you enjoy (or even just falling asleep at night).  But at its worst, pain can have a hugely negative impact on your life, significantly impacting your mental health.  Physical aches and

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Virgo Crystals: the Best Zodiac Crystals for One of Our Favorite Signs

Virgo | The Virgin (August 23-September 22) Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury, named after the Roman god who delivered messages (Virgos can be excellent communicators), and symbolized by a virgin (maiden) who has roots in goddesses of harvest or agriculture.  Virgos are delightful, in large part because they’re often very grounded and very nurturing. What’s sometimes overlooked, however,

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Christianity & Crystals

Today, we’re answering a question we get a lot at Whimsy + Wellness: can I be a Christian and use crystals? How do Christianity and crystals mix? These are deeply personal questions, and nobody can tell you what to believe! Since we get the question so much, however, we wanted to share some common perspectives about how Christianity and crystals can

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Crystals & Essential Oils for Grief & Trauma

We’re in a season of grief and trauma, but loss certainly isn’t new. Humans have always looked for ways to find comfort, ease the pain, and restore hope through the natural world. Thankfully, our community has always been such a sweet place, where we grieve together and hope together.  We get lots of questions about which essential oils and crystals

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I'm Haylee!

Haylee is the CEO of Whimsy + Wellness and the brains behind the business. She has her hand in every area of the company…from product creation to supply chain solution to online marketing. When she’s not looking at spreadsheets she’s mom to Mason, Posey, and Golden. Her kids inspire her to run a company that values community over competition and people before profit.

Not sure where to start with crystals?

We’ve got you! Find your perfect crystal match with our fun and easy quiz.

Beyond Lavender

You asked how to get started using crystals with I gathered my handy dandy recipes and matched crystals with the oils so it’s easier to keep it all straight!

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Jillian Dempsey




A few of my favorite things

01 Beauty Counter

You can say I’m au natural. Shop my favorite non-toxic skincare and makeup!

02 Gusto

Payroll and paperwork made simple and FUN! (Did I just say that?!)

03 Beyond Lavender

This whimsical book answers ALL your essential oil + crystal questions + includes 94 unique recipes! (and looks beautiful on your coffee table!)

04 Whimsy Happy Place

Where the skies rain roller bottles and crystals grow on trees! Because you love saving $ and we love making wellness accessible and FUN!